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Detox Yourself From Everything You Have Ever Learned About The Book Of Revelation!
Verse By Verse
See Jesus, Understand His Workings In Your Inner Man, Ascend To The Throne...And Manifest As God’s Son!
Transformation Is Just
One Revelation Away
From: Masoud & Rose Ramandi
We're super EXCITED for you because you are about to enter a season of acceleration in your spiritual maturity in Christ.
​Today we are inviting you to join PBB Revelation Membership to discover the perfect blueprint of your sonship hidden in the book of revelation.
What If You Could Grow 20 Years, In Just One Day?
Yes! It's possible...and this what the Revelation of Jesus Christ does... This is what the book of Revelation does.
This book is AMAZING…JESUS is amazing, and we can’t wait to help you discover the reflection of your true identity in the unveiling of the face and work of Jesus Christ.
For the past several years we've been helping Christians like you, to throw away the false beliefs produced by the literal interpretations of the Book of Revelation, by showing them who Jesus really is - unveiled, uncovered, and without the mask religion has been putting on His Face...This is called the Revelation of Jesus Christ, and this is what the Book of Revelation is about!
Please Check All Of The Questions Where Your Answer Is YES!
If You Checked ANY Of The Boxes Above, Then We Want To Invite You To Join The 'PBB Revelation Membership' And Change Your Life Forever!
I was completely shocked!
I realized I have to detox myself from what I was taught about the Book of Revelation.
​- Jeremiah
The Book of Revelation is all about you! It's about finding your true identity and fulfilling your calling...But this is impossible to achieve without the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
Here’s the biggest problem Christianity is facing today. For decades Bible teachers and preachers have been watching the news daily and using them to interpret the Bible prophecies. They have forgotten that "no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation".
​Bible prophecies were meant to lead you to a Mountain called “Spirit”, to hear the voice of Your Father and transform to His glory and...
The Book of Revelation is the
Roadmap To This Mountain Of Transfiguration!
We know you're like us, and you want this transformation... That's why you're here on this page…
But first let us tell you a bit about our transformation...
We grew up as Muslims but then we encountered Jesus while reading the Bible. We read every book of the New Testament EXCEPT the Book of Revelation! Because we were listening to others!
​But things didn't feel matter how hard they would try to say "but you don't have to be afraid” wasn't about just didn’t fit in the Jesus we had encountered!
But then something AMAZING happened...
One day we heard a short teaching with this message "the Book of Revelation is the Revelation of Jesus Christ"! That was it. It was as if God woke us up from a nightmare!
And guess what we did?...We decided to read it, study it, meditate on it...word by word, and verse by verse...and through so many hours of studies, the Lord opened our ears to hear the Spirit and see the true face of Jesus Christ in the pages of this book. We started experiencing such power, freedom, joy, love and maturity that we had never experienced before.
That’s why we began sharing our new understanding of the Book of Revelation here and there… We were AMAZED to see the same transformation was happening to those who were hearing these revelations.
We were often asked to create a complete teaching on the Book of Revelation…After years of intense studies and seeking the truth from the Father, finally we created PBB Revelation Membership...which is a verse-by-verse teaching of the Book of Revelation.
That’s right! Under the PBB Revelation Membership, you get to walk through the Book of Revelation every week...not to gain information but to experientially know Jesus…to have a Revelation of Jesus Christ...
You will learn the sign language of the Spirit...
and see in Spirit what John saw in Patmos.
You will realize how relevant this book is to your everyday life and we know you will receive a spiritual wisdom that will make you grow in Christ exponentially.
Let Us Break Down All The Amazing Stuff You'll Get When You Join The PBB Revelation Membership Today!
The First Thing You’ll Get Access To Is The...
This weekly verse-by-verse study of the Book of Revelation makes it easy for you to understand the book of revelation with great clarity and without feeling confused ever again which enables you to fully understand Gods plan for your life...and step into the overcoming power of your true identity as kings and priests on earth and enjoy your life with Jesus here and now...and find the hidden treasures of joy as Jesus is revealed to you in every verse...
Revelation is the Way To Transformation
(from The Old to The New)
This is a spiritual process within, where the OLD Man (Adam) is being transformed (metamorphosized) into the NEW Man (Christ). When the veil put over the face of Jesus Christ by the carnal mind of Adam is removed, you'll see His face...and in seeing the true face of Jesus Christ, you'll discover your face, your true identity...which removes your veil of flesh...and then the "Christ in you" can be seen.
Experience These Three Steps To Transformation:
Removing the Veil from the Face of Jesus Christ
Seeing Yourself in the Unveiled Face of Jesus
Removing the Veil of Your Flesh over "Christ in You"
This process is called: The Revelation Of Jesus Christ
apokalypsis iēsous christos
...these are the first 3 words of the Book of Revelation! The Greek word apokalypsis means to remove the that what's under the veil could be seen. Yes, all the content of the book is the unveiling of Jesus Christ to you, and in you! That is what the book is all about! The unveiling of Jesus Christ, nothing more, nothing less.
Get these AMAZING extras...
When You Join PBB Revelation Membership Today...
Bonus# 1
Monthly Zoom Calls & Q/A
Every month there's a group coaching call with a small group. You get to share your goals, your journey with Jesus, ask question and get personal advise from Masoud & Rose to help you grow in the Revelation of Jesus Christ in a more intimate environment.
Bonus# 2
Audio Downloads
The MP3 Audio Downloads of all teachings is your solution to continue learning when you're on the go which helps you learn and grow every moment of your day and constantly stay focused on your new understanding of Jesus Christ.
Bonus# 3
Symbols Lists
The symbols lists are designed to provide you with a quick breakdown of the meanings of all signs, symbols and allegorical language of the Book of Revelation so you can instantly take your study to the next level and start understanding all other verses of the Bible.
Bonus# 4
Transcripts & Scriptures Lists
With the printable Transcripts, you get to study every lesson on a much slower pace, and concentrate on the deep truth. While the Scriptures Lists will give you all the scriptures used in each lesson, so you can start seeing the flow of the Spirit in the order the scriptures are used to bring out the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
Bonus# 5
Dive into 38+ video recordings (and counting weekly) featuring all of our live monthly Zoom coaching calls and in-depth Q&A sessions. Gain invaluable insights and knowledge from these engaging sessions, helping you on your path to experience the revelation of Jesus Christ.
You'll Be Crying & Laughing...
This is going to be the best thing you have ever experienced in your DON'T miss it.
- Dan & Karen
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Total Value $12,799
If you want to live in the fullness of your identity, then this is the journey we’re inviting you to...
Start the Revelation of Jesus Christ...
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​After 30 days your membership will renew monthly or yearly (depending on your choice of plan). You can still cancel at any time. Upon cancelation, you will stop being charged but the payment for the previous months or years will not be refunded. You'll still be able to enjoy your membership access till the end of the current billing cycle.
1. You Sign up (You'll be charged for the first month or the first year, depending on your choice of plan)
2. Immediately after that you will receive an email from us with your log-in information
3. You log-in to PBB 100x Bible Academy where all the teachings are stored
4. Start watching & learning immediately
​5. Every week you receive an email when a new teaching is released
Do You Still Have Questions?
We have answers!
See For Yourself What Is Possible...
A personal note from Masoud & Rose Concerning...
End Times Prophesies & Dreams
For decades, and in this age of media, the mass Christianity has been following the News and their dreams to understand the sign of times. Teachers and preachers daily "watch" the News and interpret Bible prophecies and normal believers are taking YouTube over by their "God showed me in my dream that..." videos.
Year after year politicians and world figures are called Anti-Christ, and every new technology is labeled as the Mark of the Beast, while they are ignorant of the mystery of all ages revealed in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
A failure to listen to the Spirit of God, and insisting on man-made doctrines has led many astray to believe in false doctrines such as Tribulation, Rapture, The Second Coming, The Wrath of God, the Rise of Anti-Christ, the Building of the Third Temple etcetera etcetera. They have forgotten that "no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation" (2 Peter 1:20). And so, they "twist" the scriptures and become the cause of their own "destruction" (2 Peter 3:16) and many other's, while the same prophecies were to lead them to the Mountain of the Spirit to witness the Voice of their Father calling them "You Are My Son" (2 Peter 1:19) and experience the Glory of Metamorphosis (transfiguration).
But, we proclaim from the rooftop that which has been "revealed" by the Lord to us...for there's nothing "veiled" (of the Mystery of Christ) by the veil of the religiosity, that shall not be "un-veiled" to us (and you), who are turning their back to a fleshly commandment, to become face-to-face with the Spirit of Christ, in whom all veils are taken away.
So, if you're tired of false prophecies that constantly speak of "Jesus is Coming", and put fear in your heart by magnifying the world events as the sign of the coming tribulation, then you are in the right place! It is time for you and us to experience the Glory of the Sonship. Let's take steps together and be even a blessing to those who are ignorant.
We Invite You To Join Us Today In This Journey Of Unveiling!
False Beliefs
That Rob The Power Of The Book Of Revelation
Unfortunately the Church of Jesus Christ has known Him through the Veil of Carnal Mind. That means His True Face has been hidden from her eyes, and she experiences spiritual blindness. Because of this, the 7-Eyes of the Lamb of God which are the 7-Spirits of God are quenched and the in-working of "Christ in You" is postponed to a future time known as "Jesus Is Coming". This blindness has continued to create man-made doctrines that keep Sonship as a wish while enslaving the people of God to imaginary futuristic events. Here are a few examples:
Jesus Is Coming One Day
Also knows as The Second Coming of Jesus is a misunderstanding of "knowing Christ after the flesh" (2 Corinthians 5:16). Mainstream Christianity has not grown to "know Christ after the Spirit", and their expectation is still the coming of Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Mary.
There's Something Called The Rapture
The Great Tribulation teaching has created another false doctrine, the Rapture of the Church (Pre-trib, Mid-trib, Post-trib), as a false-hope of escaping it. Revelation 4:1, which is the precious picture of our access to the Realm of Sonship, through Jesus (the door) is misunderstood greatly.
Mark Of The Beast Is A Chip In The Body
Fear, Fear and Fear. That's the problem! Too much worldly knowledge has become a curse to the Church, just as the knowledge Eve ate became a curse to her. There have been innumerous speculations over the past several decades on what this mark is, and as the technology changes their interpretation changes accordingly!
There's Going To Be A Great Tribulation
This word has terrified the saints of God with overwhelming graphic pictures of what's going to happen in the so-called 7-Year Tribulation. Hardship, persecution, famine, etc. are a few things the carnal mind defines as tribulation. The parable of the sower teaches otherwise.
Anti-Christ Is A Man Coming In Future
This word has terrified the saints of God with overwhelming graphic pictures of what's going to happen in the so-called 7-Year Tribulation. Hardship, persecution, famine, etc. are a few things the carnal mind defines as tribulation. The parable of the sower teaches otherwise.
God Is Going To Judge The World
Yes! But what is God's Judgment? It is astonishing how ignorant the Church has become to the clear teaching of Jesus concerning how man judges and how God judges: "you judge according to the flesh, I judge no one" (John 8:15), and "do not judge according to the flesh, but judge righteously" (John 7:24). But what is Righteous Judgment?
Copyright 2024 Perfected By Blood- All Rights Reserved.
Perfected By Blood is a Christian Ministry that helps everyone to grow in the knowledge of Christ and experience a transformed life in Him. We make no claims or representation that by using Perfected By Blood courses or materials you will experience change in your life. This video presentation and the testimonials are hereby used for educational and exemplary purposes only, they are not intended to incite results. While they may show real experiences from students, their results are not typical, and your experience will vary based upon the effort and education of your own.